Monday, 25 July 2011


What have I said about waiting?
Yeah, that´s right, I hate it. That´s why I, every time I wait for something I always get really really restless.
I have no problems with doing nothing as long as I have something to do at the same time.
And now, I am waiting for the creativity to strike. I have a a goal with my new creative project, but the creativity is gone. I wait for it to strike really hard, brutally on my mind.
And until it strikes I just wait.

Had a fucked up sleep tonight/today. Cannot fall asleep before 4.30am any more. Don´t know why.
And today when I tried to get some sleep I just kept being in a half awake mode, where I could see the light from the sun, and I knew I was in bed. But the dreams where still there. I had company in bed, but every time I tried to wake up a bit to enjoy the happiness of having her close again she was gone. Every time she said something and I tried to ask what she said, or answer her she was gone again. It was important questions...
Strange sleep. But it was worth it, she was close to me.

Ok, back to the waiting again. Creativity, hit me hard!

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