Sunday 25 September 2011

A wrap...

So, after two day´s of more or less constant raining and thunder and two full night´s of work we started the final day today at around noon. And now it is 5.32 am and I just came back to the hotel.
The show is finally over and now it is only 3 day´s of downrig and after that I say bye bye to Oba Star for, what I hope is a lifetime!

I don´t know if I really look forward to the following day´s. It will be a lot of work, a lot of thinking and packing. But the reward I get after that will be worth it. I really can´t wait!

Today I was close again, I hit rock bottom and just had the urge to start walking somewhere, anywhere else than being in this place. One of the most horrible day´s that started wrong and more or less (not totally) went south from the moment I opened my eyes is finally over. I am in my bed, my teeth are brushed and I will go to sleep soon I hope.
If it wouldn´t have been for an aching stomach, a hungry stomach and a shitty mood. I hope, really, really much that tomorrow will be better, put back the smile in my face again (because I really miss it) and most of all, it will go smooth. But right now I am furious and could punch a hole in a door and sad without a reason...Alanya is a black goo, eating on my mind today.
We will see. But I promise, I am open minded and will give tomorrow a fair chance before I decide if it is good or not.

And with all that nonsens thrown out I say good night.

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