Saturday 17 September 2011


Let´s turn this into something serious for a while.
I need you to not just read this, I am really curious about what you think. It is not often I ask for a comment, but this time I want feedback.
Ok, ready?

I have been thinking about this thing, tears.
When you are young they come easy but with time it get´s harder to cry. I don´t know why it is like that, is it because the experiences you get in life makes you harder?
I had a period in my life when I could not cry. No matter what. Sad or angry, nothing came out. Not even when I felt that I really needed it.
And how come men shed tears less often than women?

There are many different kinds of tears. Tears of sadness, happiness, laughter or for me even when it is windy outside, or really cold or if I am tired. But then it is not much of tears, it is just water coming out, no feelings connected. The tears I am thinking about is the ones caused by feelings.
I already said I could not cry before. Suddenly, after keeping everything locked in and carrying inside me for a long time I reached a point where my mind and body said stop. And after a lot of work with myself I started to cry. And since that day I am a real cry baby.
I can cry when I am alone, even to movies. Good thing is that it only happens while I am alone.
Now, I am not talking about uncontrollable tears just pouring out, it is just more water than usual in the eyes and you feel a bit like Radar in Hotshot´s when he has fishes swimming around in his glasses. And then one or two find their way out of the eyes.
I have also learnt a new kind of tears. Tears of happiness. Now there you have something beautiful!

Crying makes you feel better. A way of easing the pain. Or just releasing the pressure a bit, even happiness needs to be ventilated and it is not every time happiness can cause laugter.
But is it ok to cry? What do you think?

And mostly, is it ok for a man to cry? The common thought´s about this is as I can understand that tears are not for men, and that annoys me. Why shouldn´t we be able to cry? It is some kind of old stone age way of thinking, where a real man is strong as a rock. Well, I have to confess. I am not strong as a rock.
And no one else is either. Ok, maybe some action heroes, but I bet even James Bond would like to cry sometimes, and he does when no one is watching. Even Wolverine has tears!
Men can cry, but it is a risky thing to do it. Because as a man when you cry it will give you a feeling of suddenly being completely naked in public. Embarassed. Weak. And that is nothing you want to show or feel for someone.
But crying is the most honest way to show a feeling, mostly to yourself. The price is feeling naked though...

I have no witty conclusion to finish this. It is just thought´s I had in my head and I am curious to hear what you think.


Dyeremose said...

Deep and Interesting. But first off all I want to say I cry and I don't feel naked. I rather feel blessed that I'm able to get it out and not being forced by some kind of macho codex to carry it with me on the inside for all times. Crying is not bad either is it good. It could almost be specified as a human tool. A tool that helps you get along when you are sad, when you are overwhelmed with joy, even when something ridiculous funny and so on.

I've always been somewhat of a crying person, don't get me wrong here please. But I must say that over time and with great losses in my life, I've become more prone to crying, wich I don't see as a bad thing. Okay sometimes when I shed a tear over some stupid movie I feel a bit shy and don't want the wife to see it. But maybe it's all because you with age and losses are more able to set you self in others place and share their pain, joy, love and what have you.

So to all of you out there: Give into TEARS!

Cecilia said...

Det är okej att gråta, dels för att visa att man har några känslor överhuvud taget, också får att ge sig själv lite tröst, bara släppa allt och bara vara om det är pga sorg, få känna den härliga känslan av lycka och kärlek som en tår kan göra mycket starkare många gånger. Både män och kvinnor borde bara släppa taget och gråta och skratta när dom känslorna bubblar upp i kroppen! :)