Tuesday, 15 November 2011
I admit
Monday, 7 November 2011
A picture says more than...
...a thousand words. And sometimes words says something else.
Would you like to buy a bottle of water babies?
Or do you want to buy sunscreen that makes a dog eat your babys panties?
Think for that a moment.
Meanwhile I will have a coffee.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Things have been busy down here the last couple of days, but here is a short resume'.
Two weeks of production done.
1 car crashed a bit (by me).
2 bats, 2 frogs and 1 helmet roadkilled.
And of course a lot of work.
But everything is ok and I am living happily ever after.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Town of cockroaches...
So, because of a category 4 hurricane that will hit our coast tomorrow sometime we are evacuated. We just arrived to a town called La Huerta. A really crappy small room without ac and only one power outlet, in the window in the toilet. Three cockroaches hunted out from the room already. Don't know how long we will stay here but we should count with at least two nights...and after that back to really hard work because we lost at least a week of shootings.
Now time for bed and hope those small animals won't come back...
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Public toilets
You guys reading this know what I am talking about. When coming into a public toilet, with urinoars you quickly scan the place; where is the best urionoar. It has to be preferably one free from the closest neighbour. When you found that place you do what you came there to do and after you leave.
The next time you come back, let's be honest, you automatically go to the same place again. This time it doesn't really matter if you have a close neighbour. You have your place wich you already peed in right? Suddenly you have your own spot and every time you return you go for the same place...
No big conclusions coming out of this. I just find it interesting.
How the human mind is working. Or maybe it is just mine...
Friday, 30 September 2011
I was talking about Cirkus and clowns with L yesterday.
I am not so scared of clowns, but there sure are some evil ones lurking around. I am more scared of pantomimes. There is something about them that just freaks me out.
And speaking of evil clowns...I don't think this is the best picture of clown on a Cirkus poster.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Buns of steel?
My skills in Hungarian are close to nothing, but this commercial about buns looks funny. Health buns? Good for workout?
No matter what it gives the old slogan "buns of steel" a whole new meaning.
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Shitload of work
Last day followed by the last night in this place.
On wednesday starts my trip across Europe, as far away from Turkey as possible.
I´m happy. And tired. Good night.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
A wrap...
The show is finally over and now it is only 3 day´s of downrig and after that I say bye bye to Oba Star for, what I hope is a lifetime!
I don´t know if I really look forward to the following day´s. It will be a lot of work, a lot of thinking and packing. But the reward I get after that will be worth it. I really can´t wait!
Today I was close again, I hit rock bottom and just had the urge to start walking somewhere, anywhere else than being in this place. One of the most horrible day´s that started wrong and more or less (not totally) went south from the moment I opened my eyes is finally over. I am in my bed, my teeth are brushed and I will go to sleep soon I hope.
If it wouldn´t have been for an aching stomach, a hungry stomach and a shitty mood. I hope, really, really much that tomorrow will be better, put back the smile in my face again (because I really miss it) and most of all, it will go smooth. But right now I am furious and could punch a hole in a door and sad without a reason...Alanya is a black goo, eating on my mind today.
We will see. But I promise, I am open minded and will give tomorrow a fair chance before I decide if it is good or not.
And with all that nonsens thrown out I say good night.
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
A new workday...
A new day just started. Hungry like a wolf and tired like some really tired animal.
Time to take a hard grip around the nuts of this day and as quickly as possible get it out of the way. Let the games begin!
Monday, 19 September 2011
Ok, I did not get very much response about the tears thing. So no more deep stuff?
Fine, let's talk about breasts!
I found this tit in Budapest when I was there. What I want to say with this? Nothing.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
I need you to not just read this, I am really curious about what you think. It is not often I ask for a comment, but this time I want feedback.
Ok, ready?
I have been thinking about this thing, tears.
When you are young they come easy but with time it get´s harder to cry. I don´t know why it is like that, is it because the experiences you get in life makes you harder?
I had a period in my life when I could not cry. No matter what. Sad or angry, nothing came out. Not even when I felt that I really needed it.
And how come men shed tears less often than women?
There are many different kinds of tears. Tears of sadness, happiness, laughter or for me even when it is windy outside, or really cold or if I am tired. But then it is not much of tears, it is just water coming out, no feelings connected. The tears I am thinking about is the ones caused by feelings.
I already said I could not cry before. Suddenly, after keeping everything locked in and carrying inside me for a long time I reached a point where my mind and body said stop. And after a lot of work with myself I started to cry. And since that day I am a real cry baby.
I can cry when I am alone, even to movies. Good thing is that it only happens while I am alone.
Now, I am not talking about uncontrollable tears just pouring out, it is just more water than usual in the eyes and you feel a bit like Radar in Hotshot´s when he has fishes swimming around in his glasses. And then one or two find their way out of the eyes.
I have also learnt a new kind of tears. Tears of happiness. Now there you have something beautiful!
Crying makes you feel better. A way of easing the pain. Or just releasing the pressure a bit, even happiness needs to be ventilated and it is not every time happiness can cause laugter.
But is it ok to cry? What do you think?
And mostly, is it ok for a man to cry? The common thought´s about this is as I can understand that tears are not for men, and that annoys me. Why shouldn´t we be able to cry? It is some kind of old stone age way of thinking, where a real man is strong as a rock. Well, I have to confess. I am not strong as a rock.
And no one else is either. Ok, maybe some action heroes, but I bet even James Bond would like to cry sometimes, and he does when no one is watching. Even Wolverine has tears!
Men can cry, but it is a risky thing to do it. Because as a man when you cry it will give you a feeling of suddenly being completely naked in public. Embarassed. Weak. And that is nothing you want to show or feel for someone.
But crying is the most honest way to show a feeling, mostly to yourself. The price is feeling naked though...
I have no witty conclusion to finish this. It is just thought´s I had in my head and I am curious to hear what you think.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Being creative...
It was about dancing with yourself, the mind of someone creative, having a really good time, when tears are ok even for a man. But every time I tried to write I just had nothing.
And then I remembered a talk I had with my friend Henrik (the other Slacker) last week about being creative.
Creative minds, no matter if you are a songwriter, writer, artist or something else. When it comes to doing something creative you have to be either pissed off or sad. Of course you can do stuff even when you are in a good mood (I painted a lot last week and my mood was over the rooftops), but the real flow you can get almost only occures when being in a really good mood. It is a way to get it all out of your head.
The more I think about it the more right it is, even though it is also the other way around. I have to write something when I am really happy too, get a little bit of it out of my head to release some pressure in my fuzzy brain.
So, that is why it again has been really quiet in here for a while. I have been over the rooftops, the sky is not the limit, sitting on the moon-happy this weekend. I wanted to share everything with you but I could not. I had to check my e-mail from time to time but besides that I did not want to spend any time doing something else than being in the moment. I wanted to enjoy every millisecond I had, and I did.
I will try to do a post about it later, but just now I just keep it for myself.
And here is also another reason for not writing even a dot. After I came back to reality, to hell, to Oba Star Hotel yesterday I could not write, even if I was filled with rage, hate, happy memories, bubbling Love and an bottomless sadness.
To be honest I had to fight hard to even breath. I think I said it before, Jonas does NOT do Good Bye´s!
I hate it, always had, always will. But now, after a good day and evening with my friends, a lot of work and a nice time on Skype I feel better. Now it is just a bottomless, aching feeling of missing someone. And Love.
Tomorrow when I open my eyes it should only be 13 day´s left of this shit. After that I will leave Oba Star behind me and hopefully never, ever return. Not in a lifetime! I actually thought about peeing on the carpet under the bed before leaving. That is how much I hate this place.
Besides that all is good. The future is brighter than ever and right now my, or should I more correctly say our dreams has come true and I actually really much look forward to going to Mexico again!
I am slowly building a future together with L. I always said that my plan is to live forever, and so far so good. Well, I really want that. Live forever, together with L. And I really look forward to forever, every single day of it if I just get to wake up to that smile, eyes and everything else that is her.
Friday, 9 September 2011
According to the schedule I was supposed to be at home and in my bed now...
I'm at work instead. Waiting...
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
The office
This is the office... And since my colleague came down here 4 days ago, it looks like hell.
Honestly, I cannot be arsed to clean up after someone else...
After the upright, this is what I do, all night long. I wait. And wait. And after that, I wait some more...
And look at the view, have a coffee. Do some service. And wait some more...
Now meeting with the OB-team about the ceremony for tonight. I am just waiting to start the rigging...
Checked my e-mail. I should NOT have done that...
Ok, now I know what I have to do the rest of the afternoon.
Following me
Well, the day has not been so exciting yet, picture wise. It has been exciting and good enough in many other ways.
Henrik arrived from Copenhagen.
We went out to have a danish lunch (beer) and then the quest to find a hotelroom that did not exist started and now she is sort of happy.
And I answered all the e-mails I should, almost. Now I am just scared of taking a second look if someone answered. Besides that just waiting to go up to location and do some work.
So no pictures of this. I am just waiting...
Trying something new
I am going to try something new. I got son colour pencils and I will try to draw at least one thing every day.
I did it when I was a kid, always drawing a lot. I wonder why I stopped. Why almost everyone stop.
I know, it is not the most advanced shit you have seen and it would not get me any job as an illustrator, but it makes me calm.
Checking mail
While I am already awake I pull the laptop up on my stomach and check my work mail.
Some days a perfect, just a schedule for the next day. But not today. I see that I will spend a lot of time in front of the laptop today, writing, scratching my head and thinking a lot.
Checking my mail is almost like looking on a extra schedule. Will I only do all the things I planned and that they can call about or do I have extra things? Today is EXTRA things.
Waking up
Most often by a phone that is ringing. With a person on the other side asking me something over the top stupid...
A day...
I did it once last year and now it is time again. One whole day in my life. Join me!
It will be almost in real time all day.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Cool toilet
Now this, is a cool toilet. At leasts I think so.
Added to the list of things I want. A secret garden, a house next to the sea, a balcony to see the sunset...and a toilet with led lights?
Friday, 2 September 2011
Todays bad spellings
I had a brunch today at the Corner Restaurant.
A Turkish breakfast that was, mas o menos to be honest. But the coffee was good, as always. I stumbled upon this menu there and just had to take a picture.
And then, while watching the nights football game between Sweden and Hungary I saw the next nice thing.
I have to admit it, I love these things. Bad spelling in menus can make me smile easily.
Thank you for giving me a good laugh!
Thursday, 1 September 2011
And after the picture is taken they go back to normal.
This is what I got when I silently picked up my camera after the picture in the post below was taken. The true, natural picture of people is the ones that are often the best. Right?
Myself I don´t like being in front of the camera at all. The result is never as I thought it would be so I try to stay in the background. But on some rare occasions I get caught on picture and I have even started to like some of the pictures. Strange how you change. Or could it be that I started to like myself more?
I love almost everything with myself, because if someone else could love me, why shouldn´t I do the same? So I do.
Now it´s time for me and my ego to go and have a beer with the crew. Artful Slacker, out!
Thursday, 25 August 2011
As I told before I went to Secret Garden yesterday. Got myself a really nice cup of coffee. Now there is a taste that is hard to describe, bit it is damn good!
We had a good time, had a good beer and out of the blue I got my future read out of the coffee by the manager of the place.
Really interesting, really scary how spot on it was in many, many ways.
I still think about what he said and I cannot say anything else than that I believe in it. Just have to figure one small thing out about it, that will be exciting.
Oh, no my friends are not imaginary. Let me present Henrik and Claes, my two Swedish compadres.
New day today and the stupidity in the crew is high today. An interesting start that could make this day either good or terrible.
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
...was a really good day! Good work, even if it was a long day. Good Skype.
Good coffee, good icecream!
Today was fucked up.
When I woke up I felt like Alice must have felt when she fell down the rabbithole. Everything was just strange. Strange calls, strange e-mails. Even stranger questions. Nothing was like it is used to be and no matter how hard I have tried to change it back it is still not back to normal.
Keeping my fingers crossed that it will be better by tomorrow morning. Can't stand one more day of this...
It drives me crazy.
On my way off to Magic Garden now to meet some friends, smoke some waterpipe and get a decent cup of Turkish coffee.
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Had to leave the country to renew my visa for Turkey and clever as I am I got the trip to Budapest to finally see my girlfriend again. An amazing weekend I tell you. I walked a thousand miles, saw so many beautiful things (not just her), ate fantastic food and drank good. So many experiences. So many memories.
And I wanted to share a little bit of it in pictures.