Thursday, 25 August 2011


As I told before I went to Secret Garden yesterday. Got myself a really nice cup of coffee. Now there is a taste that is hard to describe, bit it is damn good!
We had a good time, had a good beer and out of the blue I got my future read out of the coffee by the manager of the place.
Really interesting, really scary how spot on it was in many, many ways.
I still think about what he said and I cannot say anything else than that I believe in it. Just have to figure one small thing out about it, that will be exciting.

Oh, no my friends are not imaginary. Let me present Henrik and Claes, my two Swedish compadres.

New day today and the stupidity in the crew is high today. An interesting start that could make this day either good or terrible.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


...was a really good day! Good work, even if it was a long day. Good Skype.
Good coffee, good icecream!

Today was fucked up.
When I woke up I felt like Alice must have felt when she fell down the rabbithole. Everything was just strange. Strange calls, strange e-mails. Even stranger questions. Nothing was like it is used to be and no matter how hard I have tried to change it back it is still not back to normal.
Keeping my fingers crossed that it will be better by tomorrow morning. Can't stand one more day of this...
It drives me crazy.

On my way off to Magic Garden now to meet some friends, smoke some waterpipe and get a decent cup of Turkish coffee.

Sunday, 21 August 2011


I went to Budapest a week ago. To be honest it feels like yesterday, and an eternity at the same time.
Had to leave the country to renew my visa for Turkey and clever as I am I got the trip to Budapest to finally see my girlfriend again. An amazing weekend I tell you. I walked a thousand miles, saw so many beautiful things (not just her), ate fantastic food and drank good. So many experiences. So many memories.

And I wanted to share a little bit of it in pictures.

A better day

I topped up the mobile WiFi, yes.

Came back to the hotel and could suddenly start using internet again. Downloaded two Amazing videoclips of Amazing(!) fireworks. It was really cool to see!
The rest of the afternoon I have spent reading. A very relaxing thing and I feel I am finally in a better balance in my mind.

Now I just have the evening left of my day off and I feel it will be a good evening. And I hope it will be.
Time for the daily vitamins now! Ciao.

A pic of my fancy hotelroom by the way.

Groundhog day...

This day started just like yesterday, the only difference is that today I woke up on the phone and I had missed my alarms and overslept three hours. Good thing I have a day off at least.

Went to top up the mobile WiFi. Nothing more exciting yet.

Shit and a day off

I had a day off today.
A day I had planned to just watch movies and don't do anything else than just care about myself. Oh how wrong plans can go sometimes.

Day started without any internet. So I could not do what I have to do every morning. Check my workmail. Finally found some connection half way out on the balcony. A connection that died every five minutes.
I also felt really sick so no good start at all.
So after a really short Skype with my girlfriend where the picture was beyond blurry and I only could hear every second word I felt...sort of empty when we hung up.
Out to buy some milk for the tea and then back to the room where I spent a long time just cleaning up my own mess created during the past weeks hard work where I just came in, dropped the clothes on the floor and slept a couple of hours.
After that some time for a movie I thought, picked out three movies and sat down. Then the phone started ringing. Tried to do some support while standing on one leg trying to check my mail.
And so the day continued.

This place eats me up from the inside. Every second I spend without having millions of things to do or writing or talking with L makes me go crazy. I don't like myself when I feel like this and I know that the only solution is to leave. And I know I have almost 6 weeks left.

I honestly don't know how I would have made it without L. And without internet. I would have worked non stop, or gone back to drinking. None of them appeal to me any more. Too many years I have hid myself behind work or party, to block out my feelings. And suddenly this spring came a kind soul into my life and made me realise again that life is more about your own happiness than anything else. No one can go before yourself.
And she made me feel good. And makes me feel good still. More now than ever.
So it is a shame that this place manages to break me down every now and then. It takes so much power to get back up.

And I am not alone. One of my colleagues gave up a couple of days ago. This is the last gig abroad now for him. It is sad to loose a good technician. But at the same time I am happy. It makes the chances for our dream about the future even larger.

Tomorrow is another day off. Let's see if the internet will be on my side and if the phone can shut up for a whole day.
This evening, to get some internet connection I had to go to a restaurant and have a beer to get WiFi. Fucked up that a 4star hotel cannot offer a good and steady WiFi.

I hope I will have a good nights sleep and I wish for a better mood tomorrow. A good mood. And I hope there will be some free time for both me and L to talk, with good sound. I think I need it. I miss her a lot and even if we chat, there is just something special in hearing her voice. It takes me back down on earth.
And all these wishes and hopes for tomorrow might not get real, but I think it is the right way to deal with this hellhole. To wish, hope and dream about something else.
And beside all that, knowing that there is a love that carries me through the day, even if some of the wishes won't come through. Then there is always a new tomorrow to wait for.

With all that thrown straight in your face I say good night.
Thanks for reading.

Friday, 19 August 2011


Today we finally got the fiber delivered at work!
And as the manager I am for technical equipment I am happy for two reasons. The work for the post in Norway can now begin to work smoothly.
And the second reason is that I now have the possibility to have a fast and stabile internet connection when I really need it. Because I am the boss and because I can.

Thursday, 18 August 2011


Stolen fruit tastes best!
I found a new lime tree this morning. But the man who lives in the house has been throwing rocks and firecrackers stretched before because he did not like our generator. So I took one small lime and ran away.
Fresh lime...mmm.

The smaller tree that no one sees has some new fruits on it though, so in the future I don't have to be scared when stealing.

Early day

So I say good morning to you all.
I hope your day will be good. Mine will probably not be, Alanya is waking up to a new day of total mayhem.
But it looks peaceful from up here.


Just some really nice houses I pass every day on my way up to location. And today I took my time to finally stop and take some pictures of them.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Nothing more to say today. Have to ne back at location again in about four hours so it is time to sleep and hopefully I will not be sick tomorrow too...

Artful Slacker lifts his hat and says thank you for today and good night.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011


Managed to set up the phone for blogging again!
Always easier to blog more and spontaneously when I can just pick up the phone every time something comes to my mind instead of having to wait until I get back to the laptop.

And also being able to post pictures makes it a little more fun.
So, a new try to be more active again again.

I give you a picture from Alanya today, the view from my way to location...

Tuesday, 9 August 2011


I am too tired to write.
Too scared to count the hours of work I have done the last three days.
And I do not want to count the hours of sleep I got either.

But I am alive and kicking and so is the production, again.

Off to work soon, time to sleep two hours and hope for some warm water in the shower.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Battle against headache

I have said it before. There are nothing positive with headaches.
Usually I go sort of easy on them with just one painkiller and then I wish it will go away, but this one is a tough boy.
Yesterday I tried two kinds of painkillers, ended up with me sleeping like a baby before, first time in over a week. So something good came out of this.
But I woke up with the same shit I had yesterday.
So today I declared war and got two pink bastards from Henrik. One is in my belly and it seems like this shit work...I am tired now.
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